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I'm disappointed in Democrats, and you should be too!   It's been almost 2 weeks since the mid-term elections, and I've taken that time to figure out what could have possibly happened and who dissapointed me the most. What...


The American Sperm Protection Act   Guest post by Brenda Cornwell The newly signed North Carolina Motorcycle Safety bill reads in part: “A person who causes a motorcycle operator to change travel...


Joe Scarborough says the Republican party extremism...   I want to say right up front, on a normal day, I do not agree with Joe Scarborough on just about anything, and normally spend my mornings mad tweeting him repeatedly....


The United Citizens BEAT Citizens United   I must admit that when Citizens United was upheld by the Supreme Court, I thought we were doomed. Super Pacs turned up in record numbers, several being orchestrated...


The GOP has a broken picker, they picked another lier!   What is wrong with the GOP and their ability to pick candidates? I thought the GOP would have learned their lesson after John McCain picked Sarah Palin. After a failed...


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Must See Movie – Janeane from Des Moines

Posted on : 20-10-2012 | By : vlramirez | In : John Fugelsang, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry

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Janeane from Des MoinesLast night John Fugelsang had Jane Edith Wilson as a guest on his show So That Happened to talk about her new movie project Janeane from Des Moines

A conservative Iowa housewife’s personal and political convictions are severely tested as she seeks answers from the Republican presidential candidates leading up to the 2012 Iowa Caucuses.

Starring Jane Edith Wilson, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry and many more

Directed by Grace Lee

Produced & Written by Grace Lee and Jane Edith Wilson

When asked why the film was made, the filmmakers said “Politics has become so polarized in the US that it’s hard to imagine what a civilized conversation about abortion, gay marriage, or healthcare reform might look like. By making this film, we decided to insert ourselves into the dialogue. We wanted to probe a question that has confounded us over the last few years: why are there so many people in America whose political views lead them to vote against what appear to be their own self-interests? We don’t have the answer but we hope that by making this film we can at least start to talk about it.

Go see this film if you get a chance, a schedule of showings can be seen here: http://janeanefromdesmoines.com/

Watch the trailer below:


Post Debate, High Altitude Sickness and a laugh on Mitt Romney (Gangnam Style)

Posted on : 04-10-2012 | By : vlramirez | In : Mitt Romney

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After last nights debate, I can’t lie, I was a little disappointed. President Obama looked tired and not quite his normal self. I think President Obama was suffering the effects of the high altitude sickness in Denver.

Mitt Romney was smart enough to do his debate prep in Denver while President Obama came into town from Las Vegas only a few hours before the debate.  Las Vegas having an altitude of 2,200 feet and Denver having an altitude of 5,280 feet. President Obama should have read this article: 8 tips to avoid Mile High altitude sickness.

The Mile High City has 17 percent less oxygen than cities at sea level, so don’t be surprised if you come to town and become breathless over more than the scenery. Shortness of breath, throbbing headaches and fatigue are just a few symptoms of altitude sickness. Fortunately, many people come and go symptom free. But if the elevation gets to you…

As John Fugelsang said during the debate coverage on Current TV, he had the same problems performing during a comedy show in Denver.

Had President Obama come into town a few days earlier and acclimated to the altitude, we may have seen a different debate last night.

The only thing we can do at this point is have a laugh on Mitt Romney, enjoy! 

Mitt Romney Gangnam Style

My Tweets to Current TV Came True!

Posted on : 31-08-2012 | By : vlramirez | In : John Fugelsang, Joy Behar, People with Common Sense

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I used to watch Joy Behar on HLN every night, I never missed it. The Joy Behar Show introduced me to John Fugelsang, a New York based comedian.  Make no mistake, both Joy and John take their politics very seriously, but at the same time they both add such a quick wit to their comments and interviews that it’s a bit addictive.

I followed both Joy and John on Twitter and guess what?  John followed me back. He’s my only celebrity Twitter follower.

When The Joy Behar Show was cancelled on HLN I was devastated, so I tweeted her. 

The final show was hilarious. In a skit reminicent of the finale of the Bob Newhart Show, Joy ended up in bed with Republican, Joe Scarborough of MSNBC. You can see Bob Newhart’s picture on the nightstand next to Joy. This was so unexpected, Joy a liberal ending up in bed with a Republican.  Joy, that’s not a dream, it’s a nightmare!


 After The Joy Behar Show was over, I made my first tweet to Current TV.


On March 30th, Current TV fired Keith Olberman and a few days later replaced him with Elliot Spitzer.  This called for a double tweet so I could say everything I need to say.

Then a few months later, unbelievably, part of my tweet to Current TV came true.



Then John Fugelsang started showing up on CNN, MSNBC and all over Current TV and amazingly, this happened.




Do you think Current TV was talking to me when said “Your wish has been granted!”? Even though they didn’t mention me in their tweet, I’m taking total responsibility for both Joy Behar and John Fugelsang getting Prime Time shows on Current TV.

May your wishes come true too!!


Mitt Romney, if his lips are moving, he’s lying!

Posted on : 29-06-2012 | By : vlramirez | In : GOP, Mitt Romney

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The gall of Mitt Romney.  Is this the kind of man you want for President? Someone who will look you and the TV cameras straight in the eye and blatantly lie? Really? This man will say anything to get elected.

Enough said… except for this, not one single thing Mitt Romney says in this video is true. Fortunately, the truth is also in this video. 


Venting on Mitt Romney and how Out of Touch with real people he is

Posted on : 19-06-2012 | By : vlramirez | In : GOP, Mitt Romney

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Mitt Romney is Out of Touch


I haven’t posted for the past few weeks.  I’ve spent the past few weeks reflecting on many things, I’ll be posting some of my random and jumbled thoughts over the next few days.

I have to admit I’ve been a little depressed about the state of our country, Republicans as a whole and the Supreme Courts decision on Citizens United and how our elections can now be bought  by a few rich Tea Party guys looking for favors.  

Keep this in mind people, when a rich Tea Party Billionaire helps someone get elected (Mitt Romney, Scott Walker) they want to be paid back.  We know the Koch Brothers want to get rid of the EPA so they can spew their poison all over our environment without restraint.

Hey Justice Thomas and Mitt Romney, corporations are not people, they can’t go to jail for their misdeeds like people can.

Out of Touch
How out of touch is Mitt Romney? He uses the oddest expressions it makes you wonder what type of people he hangs out with.  Who is unable to recognize a donut? I don’t care how tongue tired you are, who can’t come up with the word donut?  Maybe he’s never had one, is it possible he’s never been to a donut shop?  

He’s so amazed at a touch screen to order a sandwich but calls it a touch tone instead of a touch screen. I just don’t get it. Why would he stand up in front of a group of people and say something so stupid? Oh I forgot, he doesn’t realize he’s clueless, he must think we’re all clueless.  

Random Thought: The next time he says “If you will” I think I’m going to gag.

No matter what he does, he’s not a regular guy, he just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand what it’s like to worry about health insurance or medical bills.  He doesn’t know what it’s like to not have enough money to pay all your bills. He can’t even comprehend having to work everyday.  Willard has been unemployed for 7 years trying to run for President.  Can you imagine a job interview that lasts 7 years.  How would you pay your bills.  Getting elected President is Mitt Romney’s job.  He’s trying to accomplish something his father couldn’t.  Sounds like there’s some kind of odd father son rivalry going on there.  Maybe it’s not such a pretty picture after all.

If this was Mitt Romney’s job for the past 7 years, why didn’t he spend that time learning about real Americans?  Why didn’t he travel the country in that time and get to know about people’s lives and struggles?  

And why won’t Mitt Romney take a stand on anything?  Why won’t he answer questions? Any question? John Fugelsang said while guest hosting  The War Room on Current TV tonight that Mitt self deports from topics. Love it! Some people say he won’t take a position on any topic so that he can’t be accused of being a flip-flopper.  I think it’s because he can’t remember his last position, he panders so much to the people he’s standing in front of.  He’s rubber band man, he’ll say anything to gain approval from anyone.  The question is what does he really think? Where does he really stand? How would he legislate? Nobody knows, I suspect including Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney says he won’t give details because his views will evolve over time.  Evolve over time?  So that means that on any given day when you voted for Mitt Romney in a Primary, the views he spewed to you will be different when he gets to the General Election.  They may even have evolved during the run up to the General Election, depending on who he’s talking to.  If you had known that, would you have voted for him in the Primary? Do you feel like your vote was given under false pretenses?

According to Ron Reagan on Hardball tonight, he’s already said that if you knew the details to his economic plan you wouldn’t like it and you wouldn’t vote for him.  How is he going to raise enough revenue in order to implement the Ryan Budget Plan? You can bet he won’t raise taxes on the top 1%.  You can also bet that he won’t cut any tax deductions that he takes himself.  Have you ever seen a man who works so hard not to pay taxes?  Is that the guy you want for President? The guy who will do anything including off shore bank accounts to keep from paying taxes in the country he wants to become the leader of.  What kind of example does that set? Better yet, what kind of man is that?

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